
Showing posts from 2008

Obama Sued in Philadelphia Federal Court on Grounds he is Constitutionally Ineligible for the Presidency

Here is something you won't find in the mainstream media... Obama Sued in Philadelphia Federal Court on Grounds he is Constitutionally Ineligible for the Presidency Seems that some of Obama's past has been deliberately hidden from the american public. If Phillip Berg, the prominent Philadelphia attorney filing suit, is correct, Barack Obama is not constitutionally eligible for the Presidency, however, you will never see this story published in the Washington Post!

Bishops Correct Polosi on Abortion

Three Catholic Bishops, Charles J. Chaput, James D. Conley, and Donald W. Wuerl, corrected Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's attempt to confuse the abortion issue during her interview on "Meet the Press," pointing out that she was incorrect and, quite frankly, didn't know what she was talking about. Washington Archbishop Rips Pelosi On Abortion and Statement of Bishops Chaput and Conley On Speaker Pelosi's Abortion Whopper Nancy should stick to politics and stay out of theology.

Linda Skladany comments on Governor Gilmore's "pro life" claim.

"In all candor, I do not understand how Governor Gilmore can continue to serve on the Board of Barr Labs since 2002 and consider himself 'pro life' at the same time." Linda Arey Skladany, Former Senior Associate Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration under President George W. Bush

Delegate Bob Marshall and Gov. Jim Gilmore on the Life Issue

Notes: Delegate Bob Marshall’s website: Gov. Jim Gilmore’s website: The LIFE issue does not appear on Gov. Gilmore’s website. His positions were obtained from interviews posted on the websites listed below. 1. 2.

New Bob Marshall Page Appears On Squidoo

A new lens dedicated to Bob Marshall and his bid for the Virginia Senate being vacated by Senator John Warner has appeared on Squidoo at

Bob Marshall in the News

Since Bob Marshall's announcement to run against Gov. Gilmore for the Virginia Senate seat being vacated by Senator John Warner, remarks have surfaced in a number of news sources. Here are a few quotes about Mr. Marshall a few of the news sources. "Marshall's legislative creativity knows no rival in Richmond. A bill-drafting giant, he is smart, principled and owns a sizable sense of humor." - Charlottesvile Daily Progress, 2004 "The General Assemlby's most outspoken and persistent abortion foe..." - Associated Press, 1-7-08, (Richomond) "...widely respected as a 'conviction politician and for his sense of humor. ...He's conservative on social issues.'" - Larry Sabato, University of Virginia " a man of considerable intellectual ability and deeply held political principles. He is far more the idealistic citizen-legislator than the cynical professional politician." - Paul Goldman, past advisor, Democratic Govs. Wil...

Is Plan B an abortifacient?

Some defenders of Gov. Gilmore's position on the Board of Directors of Barr Pharmaceuticals (manufacturers of the morning after pill, Plan B) have declared that Plan B is only a contraceptive and not an abortifacient. However, while Barr Labs claims that the morning after pill (Plan B) is not "the abortion pill" RU-486, it nevertheless acts as an abortifacient in one of its two birth control methods. One might want to take a look at one of Barr Labs own web sites where you will find information that Plan B works in more than one way. While one method, they cite is... "Plan B® works like a regular birth control pill. It prevents pregnancy mainly by stopping the release of an egg from the ovary, and may also prevent the fertilization of an egg (the uniting of sperm with the egg)." and that is truly a method of contraception, the second method they describe is an abortifacient They describe the second method as follows..."Plan B® may also work by preven...

Bob Marshall Publishes New Campaign Postcard

Bob Marshall published a new campaign postcard displayed below that succinctly presents his positions on some current issues of concern to Virginia voters:

President Bush Declares National Pro-Life Day Sunday, Opposing Abortion

by Steven Ertelt Editor January 21, 2008 Washington, DC ( ) -- President Bush declared Sunday to be a national pro-life day for Americans to recognize the sanctity of human life. With elections this year and a new president taking office this time next year, it could be the last of Sanctity of Human Life Day that President Bush can declare during his two terms as president. “On National Sanctity of Human Life Day, we recognize that each life has inherent dignity and matchless value, and we reaffirm our steadfast determination to defend the weakest and most vulnerable members of our society,” the president said in a proclamation obtained. The president said American was founded on the believe that people should be treated equally and that they have an right to life that government should not abridge. Bush said the nation remains committed to that principle and that he has tried to uphold pro-life values as president. “Since taking office, I have si...

Ability To Speak English If Required For The Job

Do you ever receive phone calls where you cannot understand the caller? Have you called a company for help or additional information about a product or process only to find that the person who answers the phone and has been assigned the role of talking with customers cannot speak English well enough for you to actually communicate with them enough to solve your problem? Well it's not just because we have moved a lot of jobs offshore and outsourced them to foreign businesses. It is also because many immigrants have applied for jobs indicting that they speak English, but once they are hired, it becomes evident that their English skills are not adequate enough to fulfill the job requirements. The hiring company was kind enough to give them a chance to do the job, but upon discovery that they cannot do the job, needs to let them go. In many cases the companies will give the employee a certain period of time to improve their English sufficient to perform adequately, but failing to do s...

Property Rights Under Assult

Do you believe in private property? Certainly the founders of our country did. Do you realize that Fairfax Delegate David Bulova is trying to destroy the property rights of Virginians? Delegate Bulova is trying to change the the current definition of "public use" to include "or any other use as reasonably determined by the locality to be in the public interest.” Such a loophole will allow any and all property to be confiscated by local governments for any reason they can think up. If you value your property rights, contact your delegate today and let them know to vote against Bulova's HB 387, the destruction of property rights act of 2008 [ See Comments link below to read Delegate Bulova's response ]

Jim Gilmore and the Life Issue

I was out poking around on Jim Gilmore's campaign website and looking at his stand on the issues and, quite frankly, found the information he has posted so far to be quite shallow. I don't see any real depth on any of them. But one thing that stood out was the fact that Jim did not have any mention of the Life Issue! Now that is not really surprising, since Jim Gilmore is not really pro-life as some would lead us to believe. In fact, Jim profits from the death of babies as was recently pointed out by Choose Life Virginia PAC which took the time to actually do a little research on Jim's position on the Life Issue. Here is some of what Choose Life Virginia PAC discovered... Jim Gilmore believes that abortion should be permitted during the first eight weeks of a child’s development. [ ]. Governor Jim Gilmore, Candidate for the U.S. Senate, is on the Board of Directors of Barr Pharmaceuticals. [ http://phx.corporate-ir.n...

Bob Marshall for Open and Accountable Government

In Fiery Conservative Emerges as Hero in Open Government Fight , an Op Ed piece in the Bristol News this week, Andrea Hopkins praises Bob Marshall for his vote in favor of recording subcommittee votes. As Andrea explains, the House of Delegates uses the subcommittee system as "an unaccountable black hole, where House lawmakers send unpopular measures to die. " Andrea points out that "if these bills are eliminated in a subcommittee, lawmakers don’t have to put their support or opposition on the record. And, they don’t have to explain their votes back in the district." She further states, "But allowing as few as two delegates to kill bills – even illogical ones – without a recorded vote isn’t in the public interest. It’s a secretive process that drives a stake through the heart of government transparency. Lawmakers require transparency at the local government level; the same rules should apply in Richmond." Let's thank Bob for his stand for open and acc...

Bob Marshall Enters Virginia Senate Race

Bob Marshall recently threw his hat into the Virginia Senate race. He will be competing against Mr. Jim Gilmore for the Republican nomination to run against Democrat Mark Warner in November 08. Bob is a conservative, pro-life candidate and will present a real choice for the electorate. Too often today the candidates of both parties are so close together on the issues that it is difficult to see any real difference. This will not be true of Mr. Marshall, a 16 year State Legislator. Bob clearly stands in the conservative camp. Bob believes, contrary to much of the Virginia General Assembly, that taxpayers are not ATM Machines. A Bloggers 4 Bob Marshall has already sprung up and we can expect to see many more before this election is finished in November 08.